
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. -Frederick Buechner
As I look at my schedule and count down the last 3 weeks of this semester, I have the strong urge to jump up and down! I'll have one year of the intense-ly hard nursing program down, and one to go. May 11th will be such a load off, to be able to have just a tiny, little break from the nursing school life. I can't wait to sleep, eat normal food, have time to eat, and relax for once.
As much complaining as I do during the semester, I can honestly look back and realize how truly blessed I am. I got into an amazing program, I have a lot of support, and the loans were approved to offer me this incredible opportunity. Something as simple as having a teacher tell us to write our first initial, our last name, and then RN at the end makes it all the more real. I will graduate, and I will be great at what I do!!!
I've learned so much over the past year, and still have a lot to learn! May 2011 can NOT come fast enough!
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